As yet they had not met with any of the aboriginal tribes living in the savage state.
He said, 'Had population and food increased in the same ratio, it is probable that man might never have emerged from the savage state.'
On the philosophical plane, "The Isle" strips away the veneer of civilization to imagine human existence as an essentially savage state.
A mysterious virus that turns its victims to a feral, savage and rabid state has been released in Bangalore.
Without evil or the necessity of strife mankind would have remained in a savage state since all amenities would be provided for.
He feels it's better that they died while still in a savage state and did not have to return to civilization.
Sometimes it is dangerous; even so-called domestic creatures can revert to their wild, savage state.
We walked about poverty - that it's like living without food or water and how it produces a savage state.
The dogs had been tortured into this savage state.
"Apollo" celebrates civilization, but "The Cage" depicts a savage state of nature.