It tore through Eragon with a savage strength, seeking to incapacitate him.
Bronze Parthian horse trappings hint at savage strength.
Abnormal, savage strength was here; and if this was really a spaceship from the stars - His brain wouldn't follow that flashing, terrible thought.
With all the savage strength he could command, he smashed his mailed fist into the man's face.
None weighed more than three pounds, but the sheer savage strength of the mirror-plated fish astonished our guests.
Even the men of Ten-Towns shied away from him, unnerved by his savage strength.
Ser Gregor hacked down with all his savage strength.
Leaping upon it, she rent it fiercely with her savage strength.
With savage strength, Atherland kept flinging off attackers.
The Elves needed to increase their strength in other areas to compensate for the raw power and savage strength of the great beasts.