A Galk hit a Cun across the face and then tore into it with savage teeth.
The beak swept past him, the savage teeth clicking shut on empty air.
It was evening before he got there, shivering with apprehension, and seeing those red eyes and savage teeth at every turn.
Long arms wrapped around him with inhuman strength as savage teeth snapped close to his face.
He grinned at me and I felt as if those savage white teeth tore into my flesh.
Those without weapons tore at the living with savage teeth and clawed hands.
It had a large head, with enormous open mouth and savage teeth.
And those purple flames near the bottom make the mouth- you have savage teeth, my friend.
Despite his hang-over, the fighter prepared to dodge slashing horns or savage teeth.
Shards of jagged bone were torn from the creature's savage teeth, pattering into the water.