"Answering many of these questions up front will save you aggravation down the road."
The abolition of 11 separate currencies will save travelers both money and aggravation.
Why not just save yourself all the time and aggravation?
Learning to use any of these tools can admittedly be time-consuming, but in the long run, they can save you time and aggravation.
Now, why don't you just save us both some time and aggravation and tell me what's going on?
We could have met you on arrival and saved you the time and aggravation.
Every trip out there costs twenty extra minutes by car; every flight in or out saves at least that much aggravation.
Minimum harmonisation of the law on guarantees will save the consumer unnecessary aggravation.
It will save people time and aggravation, she said, by preventing them from filing fruitless applications.
There was a private airport, to save all that time and aggravation.