"He saved baseball once, maybe he can save it again."
There was only one banner draped from the upper deck of this subdued ballpark last night and it said: "Save baseball.
But here's the upside: it saved baseball for us.
These are the men who saved baseball after the 1994 strike.
Sotomayor has already saved baseball; can she now save baseball cards?
She was the federal judge who "saved baseball" by siding with the players' union during a strike.
So the players, in effect, save baseball, and have made the club owners a fortune.
He would have serious competition from a number of judges who have saved baseball from itself.
Seattle's thrilling five-game division series victory over the Yankees in 1995 is often credited with saving baseball here.
That might seem farfetched, but to save this game, the players, baseball and corporate America are going to have to make some sacrifices.