I have a private hope that we will find some way to save the little elf creatures, the androgynes.
Proceeds go to the environmental group in the fight to save creatures killed in their thousands in nets set to catch tuna.
The 100 or so cow catchers employed by the city have always thought their occupation a merciful one, saving sanctified creatures from a run-in with a front bumper.
However, Kernel decides to go back to help Grubbs and Bec instead of being the 'Noah' to save creatures of Ark.
They will indeed gather on New York's shores this weekend, but the purpose will be a cordial conquest of hearts and minds, all in the name of saving creatures that live in Russia's chilly seas.
Meanwhile he's working to save traditional songs, living creatures and the planet.
In approving Georgia Pacific's plan, Mr. Babbitt showed for a second time in a month that the 20-year-old Endangered Species Act can save threatened creatures and not halt economic development.
A landscape ecologist for the Wildlife Conservation Society, based at the Bronx Zoo, he works with other scientists to save the world's wild places and creatures.
What a futile idea, after all-spending effort to save creatures who will vanish in a few hours anyway.
This unique group of farmers, ranchers, wildlife specialists, hunters and non-hunters is a grassroots effort to save the habitat and heritage of the ringneck pheasant as well as other wild creatures and their environment.