The net savings for most communities range to nearly $500, according to the charts.
She said the savings ranged from 1.5 percent to 3 percent in the short run to four times that long term.
The savings ranged from little things, like replacing two drinking fountains with coolers, to big things, like recycling rinsing water.
The potential savings range from a minimum of 3 percent to as much as 20 percent, and even higher when indirect savings are taken into account.
Typical savings for travelers will range from $60 to $100, but on some routes the reductions are more substantial.
In a report last October, the firm estimated annual savings ranging from £55 million for a 35-council structure to £192 million for 15 councils.
The savings on each ticket ranged from $0.35 to $1.73.
Guests receive the best room available at check-in, so savings can range from $50 to $200 a night.
It found that 11 commonly prescribed medications could be safely split and that the average savings for each drug would range from 23 to 50 percent.
The estimated savings from the decision not to resume production of the W-88 would range from $1 billion to several times that figure, Mr. Arkin said.