Congee (粥 zuk1): Thick, sticky rice porridge served with different savory items.
Also eaten with beef, and other savory items like Ribberull and mustard, it is comparable to a thin tortilla.
I only wish I had found a few more savory items on the Bangkok City menu to go with it.
My autumn sampler included two unusually savory items.
The annual festival includes chocolate fountains, sweet and savory dipping items, music, prizes, music, and activities for all ages.
From the odor, Nylan decided that the ooze had mixed thoroughly with horse droppings and less savory other items.
"I was getting so sick of that damned Kushan food," he mumbled, around a mouthful of some savory item which Lady Sanga had prepared.
The menu has a very modest selection of savory items, like borscht in a plastic bowl for $1.30 or potato soup for $2.
MAD about Chocolate offers Desaulniers' over-the-top desserts, cookies, cakes, ice cream, and other sweet and savory items.
But the bones of that story - the so-called fictional ingredients of the brew - are not the most savory items.