A savory scent comes from the actual kitchen, where young Amish women are cooking up a batch of barbecue sauce.
The savory scent of good roast beef met his nose as he entered, which cemented what his selection would be in his mind before he even sat down.
Along with that savory scent came smokefrom her father's pipe.
He sniffed appre-ciatively at the savory scents arising from the first dish as the servant uncovered a thick soup and offered it for their approval.
The smog's got a special savory scent to it out here.
Wonderful, savory scents filled the night air as the slowroasted targ was unearthed from the pit in which it had been buried with heated stones two days before.
That savory scent made Lan's stomach contract.
The savory scent of Neelix's stew reminded her that it had been a while since she'd thought about eating.
The corridor was full of the savory scents of squirrel stew and fresh bread, and I was starving, but I stood still, staring up at him.
My vegetable stew was bubbling, and the cabin was filled with the savory scent of onions and wild garlic, but I had no appetite.