Harper Harris handles Sunshine's hard edge, the playwright's word flights - the winning and the coy - and the role's less savory side with utter conviction.
Men, on the other hand, tend toward the savory side of the menu, digging into barbecue or french fries.
Score one for the savory side.
"The less savory side."
On the savory side there are individual quiches ($3.95) and delicious dilled egg salad sandwiches ($4.95).
It's on the savory side.
On the savory side of his menu, he has seasoned pappardelle with cocoa; his branzino is crusted with almond paste and granola.
Marla Hart of the Chicago Tribune noted that since joining the show, "Bergman has traded on his pretty-boy image to underscore Jack's less savory side."
But it is a wonderful addition to the savory side of the pantry as well.