And installing a foreigner from a developing country as chief executive would be a savvy move.
Microsoft purchasing Bungie may be one of the savviest moves in video game history.
For a few weeks, it looked like a savvy move.
"I think we're about to see Pathfinder go in a different direction, and I think it's going to be a savvy move."
Mrs. Whitman calls it a savvy move timed to make the most of the bull market.
Since the bonds paid six percent interest, it was a good investment as well as a savvy political move.
Accepting a less visible role was "politically a very savvy move."
Colleges tell parents that paying $20,000 a year for their child's education is a savvy financial move.
One man's savvy move is another man's diabolical deed.
Lope decided to throw his support behind Sancho which turned out to be a savvy move.