Almost all woodworking on the ship has been done using axe and adze, with saw marks found on only a few timbers.
Everything is so reduced that each aspect, including the saw marks and drilling holes, becomes a focus of interest.
Look at the rough saw marks on the exposed bones.
Depressed, I thought of saw marks I could not tell apart, and felt I had made yet one more mistake this day.
'I've never had a case, really, just studied that type of saw mark in theory, here in the lab.'
We can look at the saw marks on the bones and help out.
The absence of saw marks indicates felling using axes, providing further information about the age of the wood involved.
Grinding erases saw marks, coarsely smooths the surface, and removes stock to a desired depth.
"That's right, Chet," Frank said grimly, examining the saw mark.
"I'm afraid there is," he said, showing the stilt to Turner and pointing out the saw mark.