But they started their set with a traditional balaphon (xylophone) piece, and vocals and saxophone lines often dipped into the untempered intonation of traditional music.
It's got a wild, honking saxophone line, looped over and over again, and it sounds like nothing else on the radio.
In between, saxophone lines, radically disfigured by electronic instruments that double and triple the sound of the instruments, riff away unmercifully.
It, too, hinted at jazz in a saxophone line that alternated between gentle lyricism and fleet figuration.
The song received generally positive reviews from music critics, who highlighted its production and the saxophone line.
Sanneh praised its saxophone line which allowed it to sound "like nothing else on the radio".
Musically, the song features prominent saxophone lines provided by Greg Ham and a mid-tempo beat.
But with fuzz-edged guitars and Steve Berlin's brawny saxophone lines, the music evaded purism.
Each time, her voice slowly builds until the commanding chorus is reached, where towards the end, she sings, "la la la", in a muted saxophone line.
In the sextet, the clarinet and saxophone front line is backed up by a rhythm section comprising piano, banjo/guitar, tuba and drums.