"I don't see how anybody can change the overwhelming trend toward a yes vote," he said in an interview at his headquarters.
"There are extremists who want the peace to fail," he said in an interview at his headquarters.
"We have a long way to go," he said in an interview this week at the company's headquarters.
"It's simply not the case," he said at his headquarters in Qatar.
"I can't fulfill my mandate," he said in a recent interview at his headquarters here.
He arranged for a priest to say daily mass at Domino's headquarters.
"I started out making socks by hand when I was 18," he said at the company's headquarters.
"Very few people in this profession get the chance to retire on top," he said yesterday at the Rams' headquarters.
"It's happened once; it can happen again," he said at a news conference at the academy's headquarters.
"You're watching a metamorphosis," he said in an interview at the convention's headquarters.