"But I said to my staff that we would win this race if we did a good job."
"See if you can manage the reservations," he said to his staff.
"If my message is that I'm available, I should be out there," he said again to his staff, who had discouraged it.
Picard glanced around the table, weighing what he was about to say to his staff.
"Good morning and let's get going," she says to her staff.
I also want to say a special word of gratitude to our local staff.
Or at least they said nothing to him or his staff.
"So that's all we know," the Speaker said to his entire staff in the large conference room next to his office.
"People are fed up with the disruptions," he said to his staff.
"There were days when I said to my staff, 'Where are all the people who wanted this to happen?' "