Tunguska was a 15-Mton airburst at an altitude of roughly a scale height.
This is valid when the distance between the source and observer is smaller than the scale height of the atmosphere.
Above this level the atmosphere becomes non-uniform; the scale heights of different chemical species differ by their molecular masses.
All he had to do to save the franchise, he figured, was scale new heights of promotional zaniness.
The scale height is usually shown by a capital letter H.
The scale height remains constant for a particular temperature.
This yields the following scale heights for representative air temperatures.
It has been said that at atmospheric pressure on the earth's surface, the scale height is approximately 7km.
For common plain carbon steel under a typical allowable stress limit, its scale height is 1.635 kilometer.
The increase in altitude necessary for P or ρ to drop to 1/e of its initial value is called the scale height: