Fishing remains the main year round industry with several commercial lobster and scallop boats operating from the wharves in addition to a large lobster pound.
Cruising through the inner harbor, you'll also see commercial scallop boats and private fishing vessels with names like Constant Supervision.
The six scallop boats in the fleet are the only ones that are doing well, as restrictions in that fishery have restored the shellfish.
Last summer, another scallop boat, the Alex Mac, sank after colliding with a tow boat and a barge, taking the lives of two fishermen.
The last plaque commemorates last year's sunken scallop boat.
VMS runs on about 500 (growth expected to 800) vessels from small 10-meter scallop boats to 850-meter deep sea trawlers.
Some monkfish also come in on the local scallop boats.
Ms. Finch explained that next season she hoped to have her own scallop boat.
They had a scallop boat for 15 years.
Out on the ocean, scallop boats that spent seven months scraping the sea bottom for scraps of wreckage have been replaced by sport fishing boats.