Suddenly, out of dense branches high above, a thick-bodied slarpon dropped, a scaly creature with needle teeth and thick body armor.
The two boggies leaped to their feet, and a gray, scaly creature crept slowly up to them on all fours, sniffing the ground noisily.
The stone glowed even brighter, but it gave no indication of the location of the person the scaly creature was thinking of.
Two openings were found along the company's new front, but both were vacant of anything larger than a scaly creature the size of a house cat.
The scaly creature released a snakelike hiss.
An awkward, scaly creature with limblike fins, the coelacanth was long considered worthless by even the most impoverished fishermen.
Like a scaly creature from some deep pit, a gloved hand came over the step at the right side of the front seat.
However, being children, they were not twisted into malicious scaly creatures.
And scaly creatures out of nightmare, armed with whips.
The scaly creatures had discovered the dwellers.