Across the city, people felt that the evidence in the documents was much more incriminating to Cardinal Law than anything else unearthed since the scandal surfaced.
The Tribune had already made a sizeable cash investment in Journatic three months before the scandal surfaced.
His departure came just hours before the company's first shareholders' meeting since the scandal surfaced in February.
When the scandal surfaced, Krupp was asked to leave Italy in 1902.
The potential scandal surfaced on Tuesday in the daily Haaretz and was eagerly taken up by Israel's fiercely competitive news media.
At the same time, scandals surfaced that were simply too big to be ignored.
The scandal surfaced in July, but has not seriously hurt the careers of those politicians involved.
Then again, has anybody else noticed how many scandals based on conflicts of interest at big financial firms have surfaced since Glass-Steagall's demise?
Last week's scandal surfaced at the Metropolitan Transportation Authority.
When the scandal surfaced, the President was forced to resign.