A scandal threatens to break out when Sissi leaves Vienna and returns to Bavaria to see her parents.
The scandal has threatened the reputation of the bank.
But now scandal threatens to disrupt that pipeline to the big leagues.
The Iran-contra scandals are back in the news and threaten to stay there all summer.
The scandal threatens to hurt the currency, the rupiah, and raise the cost of bailing out Indonesia's commercial banks.
Already, the scandal has traumatized the church's faithful, demoralized the clergy and threatened the hard-won moral authority of its bishops.
The scandal threatened to upset the merger with Fox, which was being negotiated at the time.
The scandal has threatened the reputation of the bank, and underscored just how precious - and fragile - credibility is for a central bank.
The Philippine Senate has held hearings on the issue, and now the scandal threatens to expose irregularities within the government itself.
Wall Street executives now fear that the scandal threatens to usher in an era of tighter regulation, which could dampen growth.