It was a scandalous episode.
It is best imagined what would have happened to Lewinsky, her family and any enthusiastic reporting press of this scandalous episode in any undemocratic society!
Its inquiry into Communism in Hollywood was among the most indefensible, scandalous and cruel episodes in the entire history of legislative investigations.
September 2009 - Turkey launched the most scandalous episode "Valley of the Wolves"
"All romantic stories must have evil women," says Belisario, as he searches for some episode "so scandalous, so sinful," that would provide the stuff of a story.
Spiked with brutal satire and scandalous pornographic episodes, it was also an unmistakable attack upon the monarchy, the nobility, and the Church.
"A fair share of cruel, inglorious and scandalous episodes that are generally little referred to".
In 19th-century Italy there were scandalous episodes like the Edgardo Mortara affair, in which a Jewish boy was secretly baptized and kidnapped by the clergy.
But he protests that he is a scapegoat, and he ought not to become one: too many others need to answer for their roles in this scandalous episode.
However, after Canseco gained notoriety due to several scandalous episodes, the street returned to its original designation as "Ram Road" when students signed a petition.