There, in her dreams and exchanges with patients and staff, scenes from Anita's scandalous life are relived.
After the way he told all about the scandalous lives of the well-to-do?
Art: Modigliani's scandalous life has long propped up his artistic reputation.
In the early 1900's, one governor even suggested that its residents be segregated from the rest of the state because they led "lawless and scandalous lives."
And then she'd dared threaten him with the scandalous life she'd lead once she was his wife.
She was known not only for her poems, including sonnet sequences, but for a private life scandalous by the standards of her time.
The scandalous lives of Hollywood's movie stars and New Age mystics.
Indeed, the monk cupidity and the scandalous life of Rome had created a hole between the population and the clergy.
His son Constant d'Aubigné led a scandalous life of adventure.
In the 1400s, the scandalous and corrupt life of the higher clergy in Europe began to draw sharp criticism.