The Fay episode aside, however, corporal punishment usually gets scant notice.
But she took only scant notice of her surroundings.
Why, compared with the first Brandt report, has this second, updated and more realistic document received such scant public notice?
Interestingly, the show, which continues through next Saturday, has attracted scant notice and generated little heat.
Hawk took scant notice of this at the time, being more concerned for Ikey's welfare.
Yet until recently, the medical world paid scant notice to alcohol as a women's issue.
At the same time, people who once gave the plan scant notice are weighing in with their critiques.
There was scant notice of subsequent rebel offers to negotiate, rejected by the government.
The campaign received scant notice outside Kansas until a bizarre incident two weeks ago.
It seems to me that scant notice was taken of appeals by fishermen in the past.