There was scant profit in taking a losing part too seriously.
The auto industry has long been used to cycles of low volume and scant profits followed by high volume and big profits.
Condition Red yielded scant commercial profit, but its positive critical reception bolstered the confidence of the band's new managers at 415.
Such offices were obsolescent, involved negligible duties and scant profit, but were in the King's gift nonetheless.
But a lot of information, like news reporting, will be so abundant that there will be scant profit in selling copies of it.
LOF continued to get cargoes on the spot market for its tanker fleet, but at scant profit.
And some were puzzled by First Boston's willingness to increase its commitment to bond sales and trading, an area of scant profits recently.
And a tougher business it is, with rising competition and, for Domino's, scant profits.
She did not put in; there was scant profit in trade with the sons of Shem.
It is likely to have continuing losses or scant profits for the near future because of acquisitions and special charges.