The scanty resources and constant noise of the Torr sector had inured Rugal slightly.
Nothing but madness or despair could have suggested the thought of subduing, with such scanty resources, the foreign masses which occupied and surrounded Paris.
Poor Clifford was cut off, at once, from all his scanty resources of enjoyment.
Ramchandra Shukla - The first codifier of the history of Hindi literature in a scientific system by efforting great research with scanty resources.
Our scanty resources rapidly became exhausted, and what was left had to be kept for milk and delicacies for M. le Vicomte.
The only blades he'd seen yet within his scanty resources were not much better than cheap metal clubs.
He died on 26 August 1777, when his widow, formerly a Miss Purrier of Leeds, whom he married about 1760, was left with scanty resources.
This was but a scanty resource.
Some of the items appeared to have been salvaged, windfalls from the beach, and others were obviously made from the scanty resources of the island.
This kept the memory of invasion fresh, I supposed, but it must be a huge drain on the scanty national resources.