It consists of well-watered, wide, rolling plains, and low hills with scanty vegetation.
Most of it is fertile enough, though in the lower portions there are barren patches where the scanty vegetation is covered with an ochreous deposit.
There were signs that grazing was sometimes practiced upon the scanty vegetation.
The Galapagos are so recent that some of the islands are barely covered with the most scanty vegetation, itself peculiar to these islands.
The lake's shores are stony with scanty vegetation in low shrubs.
Their scanty vegetation is almost wholly herbal; shrubs are only occasional; trees almost non-existent.
Being very hungry, it occurred to Otter that he might find edible roots among this scanty vegetation.
The habitat consists arid areas with scanty vegetation up to 2,500 meters in the mountains.
Next to this the surface of the upland generally consisted of white sand and gravel, like coarse salt, through which a scanty vegetation found its way up.
The scanty vegetation here offered no really promising place to hide.