The breach created by the Soviets' stonewalling about the extent of the accident was instantly filled by unconfirmed reports in the West, producing scare headlines and confusing articles.
The Russian nuclear weapon question was obviously a speculative attempt for a good scare headline.
But their pages were full of screaming sensational scare headlines about the satellites.
Fears were stoked by scare headlines about how 300 million such migrants were poised to surge in from the third world.
The result of this neglect could easily be a scare headline in a national tabloid: "Epidemic of gum disease strikes American children."
In other parts of New England, the fisher's increasing presence has been accompanied by scare headlines like "Rhode Island residents lose pets to marauding weasels."
Despite scare headlines, it's not as popular in Quebec as it once was, either.
Seventy-one people were killed in the trampling, panicked rush to the exits, and the next day's Derry News would trumpet the event with a forty-eight-point scare headline, calling it a terrible tragedy.
This cut across a column with scare headlines beginning, "Great Naval Battle Now in Progress.
It's often worthwhile to forget the scare headlines and go where you want to go.