I now have an erection that is probably tall enough to ride some of the scarier rides at Great America without a parent.
The racing multihull has a formidable reputation in sailing, one of lightning speeds and scary rides.
I kept trying to explain that the scariest ride we had been on all day was the New Jersey Turnpike.
But it was also known as a safe ride, less scary than some others.
It was voted scariest ride at the park by Brainiac.
Isn't it all as harmless in the end as a vicariously scary ride like "Pirates of the Caribbean"?
It features scary rides, a Victorian fun fair and various reconstructions, including a bank, brewery, pub and newspaper office.
"Not everybody goes on scary rides like roller coasters, or comes back a second time if they try it," Dr. Farley said.
It had been a hairy, scary ride.
Kids must be at least 110cm tall for some of the scarier rides.