Even the figure of Tito, long above ideological reproach as a cross between Yugoslavia's superman and national treasure, is increasingly the target of scathing analysis as the 10th anniversary of his death approaches.
In 1637, a Plymouth troublemaker by the name of Thomas Morton, wrote a scathing analysis of Samuel Fuller's medical abilities in his book New English Canaan".
Andreson's scathing analysis, accurate though it was, didn't help.
His scathing analysis of everything that is wrong with our society reaches more people every day.
Mary Warnock provides a scathing analysis of the government's attitude to higher education when she writes of the contempt that the government has for universities and their staff:
In other hands a love story might have broken out; in O'Neill's a scathing analysis of social divisions materializes.
However, after Diệm was overthrown and assassinated in 1963, Hương gave a scathing analysis of the coup generals' action.
Their scathing analysis came after Citigroup, the banking giant, warned that independence would mean each Scottish household paying an extra £875 per year to subsidise Mr Salmond's green energy plans.
This time, it was a scathing analysis questioning the sterling credit rating of MBIA Inc., a guarantor of bonds and other financial instruments.
Then follows a fascinating history of dieting and a scathing analysis of contemporary diet aids.