The race largely failed to capture the public imagination and came in for scathing comments from some of the local press.
I was about to let loose a scathing comment, when a voice from the door stopped me.
Frederiea had to bite her tongue to check all the scathing comments that rose to mind.
"You've chosen a strange time, sir, to indulge your enthusiasm for art," was his scathing comment.
He worked up to scathing comment on people who made jokes at guys who were only trying to earn an honest living.
Terry issued scathing comments with supporting sources at a state convention in Sacramento.
The text of the will was printed in the newspapers with its scathing comments on the children.
How could you refute it when just the memory of his scathing comments made your eyes fill with tears?
Her furiously scathing comments died to a muttering, which stopped.
Her most scathing comments were reserved for her own podmates.