I wrote a scathing letter to the airline, and was surprised to receive an apology and a check for $75.
Wilkes wrote a scathing letter to Welles in response.
On November 26, 1945, he submitted a scathing letter of resignation.
His mother, however, was politically opposite, and she regularly sent scathing letters to Broun's newspaper to complain about his column.
Kelly had consistently supported Glass during his tenure, including sending scathing letters to those challenging the veracity of Glass's stories.
Tess grows angry at Angel for deserting her and writes him a scathing letter.
In scathing letters to Ripperdá and the Viceroy, he condemned the entire plan.
I've already sent a scathing letter to The Times about them!
Ms. Jones resigned her job at the university with a scathing letter that accused the administration of racism.
But a federal prosecutor strenuously objected to a sentence reduction in a scathing letter to Judge Block.