If a man writes a scathing piece about men in power, it's seen as his job; a woman can be cast as an emasculating man-hater.
In response, Williams wrote a scathing piece about Watkins in Time Magazine.
Logan Marshall's editorial was a scathing piece on the mayor's latest political blunder.
He began writing for the school newspaper, including scathing pieces which showed his liberal political leanings.
If a man writes a scathing piece about some gaffe a politician has made, no one accuses him of hostility toward men.
If a woman writes the same scathing piece, the politician or his male aides will often suggest that her criticism is a reflection of some psychological problem.
In a scathing piece, Meyer said that Duranty's articles were "some of the worst reporting to appear in this newspaper."
The Dayton Daily News that year ran a series of scathing pieces about Griffin's behavior during his first term on the state board and his tax problems.
Adrian Searle doesn't like Hockney's latest work and writes a scathing piece in the Guardian.
Hearst hired a veteran reporter, David Graham Phillips, who wrote scathing pieces on senators, portraying them as pawns of industrialists and financiers.