His anger and disappointment were apparent in the scathing three-paragraph statement he released last week after Mr. Hart announced that the move to the Brooks Atkinson Theater, where performances were to have begun on Dec. 19, had been canceled.
Remarkably, a resounding chord is struck for human dignity, resilience and commitment, while at the same time a scathing statement is made about the ultimate destructiveness reaped by bureaucratic systems.
At that time, a number of leaders made scathing statements about the United States.
Most of Mr. de Antonio's documentaries were scathing political statements.
The letter from the Jewish historians called those remarks "inflammatory and scathing statements from Father Gumpel, speaking for the Vatican, directed at all members of the commission but with particular virulence towards the Jews."
Thinking of Mr. Simpson as not black is, of course, a scathing statement about race.
Within hours after Stern criticized the players association for its refusal to address the league's concern over marijuana use, Hunter fired off a scathing statement aimed at Stern's "misrepresentation of the issue."
The Lancet acted today only because it no longer had a viable choice: last week, Britain's General Medical Council issued a scathing statement detailing Wakefield's unethical methods.
But if it's a scathing, conclusive statement about marriage you're after, a number of acerbic Stephen Sondheim songs make their points much quicker.
The Democratic National Committee seized on the scandal, sending out a scathing statement that raised pointed questions about Mr. Hastert and other Republican leaders.