"Indeed," the lofty, dignified woman pronounced in a scathing tone as she looked him up and down.
I said in a scathing tone of skepticism.
"Come with me, Prince," the Zaxxon said in scathing tones.
Sabrina winced at the scathing tone so much like her grandfather's.
She took a deep, steadying breath and tried not to picture the way he had looked, hear the scathing tone of his voice.
The dungeon master's scathing tone showed what he thought of the queen.
That skittishness and the scathing tone of the campaign advertising have left many voters disillusioned.
You're being mean, Zara said in a scathing tone, narrowing her eyes at her brother and sister.
"Do what'choo want," she said in a scathing tone, and disappeared.
After wishing them "merry christmas and happy new year" in a scathing tone he leads his daughter away.