Unapologetically sexual or scatological references and vulgar language are found in some songs, a characteristic embraced by the fans but found outrageous by some critics.
The content is adult in nature and features various scatological references.
The alterations were often larded with sexual and scatological references or removed to the improbable if not the fantastic.
I think that this is a sexual and not a scatological reference; both, however, fit the category of the grotesque.
Compared to English, scatological and blasphemous references are less often used.
When executives came to Mr. Barnich to describe their business plan, he could not keep himself from making a scatological reference to the company's work.
PROFANITY - A stream of scatological references and related obscenities.
Dialogue "full of sexual innuendo and scatological reference."
The first had starred Robert Klein, showcasing his act down to the last scatological reference.