The array scatters electromagnetic radiation at wavelengths longer than the size of the element and lattice spacing.
These particles might affect climate, both by scattering electromagnetic radiation and by catalyzing chemical reactions in the upper atmosphere.
In one form this involves scattering radiation from the ergosphere; some energy from the rotation of the black hole is then transferred to the scattered radiation.
Worlds like Llongctik lay scattered like huge mudballs across the galaxy, risen haphazardly about stars of varying form, density, size, and radiation.
However, "scatter radiation" also contributes to increased radiographic density; in that, the higher the kVp of the beam, the more scatter will be produced.
The alignment of the leading edges of the engine inlets is designed to scatter radiation to the sides.
Those old spindizzy converters weren't too choosy about how they scattered radiation.
Stratospheric sulfur aerosols spread around the globe by the atmospheric circulation, producing surface cooling by scattering solar radiation back to space.
Exceptions are Lambertian surfaces, which scatter radiation in all directions according to a cosine function, so their albedo does not depend on the incident distribution.
Early after the big bang, the universe was basically opaque because all the particles then in existence (protons and electrons) scatter radiation very strongly.