A deep red zigzag slashes downward, breaking the scattered pattern.
His many-fingered limb pointed at the table-screen, where nine clearly separate blips were swifting moving farther from each other in a scattered pattern, like water spraying.
Leaves grow on stems less than two years of age, and are arranged in a scattered pattern along the stems although crowded at the apices (branchlet tips).
Iron Dome, on the other hand, is built to deploy in a scattered pattern - each launcher, containing 20 interceptors, is independently deployed while being operated remotely via secured wireless connection.
Bullets ricocheted off the thing's hard shell and holed the bulkhead in a scattered pattern.
Since the late 1950s, most of southern Carinthia has had a German-speaking majority, with the local Slovene minority living in a scattered pattern throughout the area.
She was mantled in ermine, white fur with tiny black tails interrupting it in a scattered pattern.
Since the mid-1980's, another 2,386 residential units have been created in a more scattered pattern on Bushwick's 150 or so blocks - 1,244 units in new or rehabilitated buildings, including 699 for the elderly, and 571 two-family homes.
Many specimens have a somewhat regular dark 'hourglass' pattern located on the scapular region, and may also have small reddish brown tubercles in a scattered pattern on the dorsum.
G'kkau crew members stood in a scattered pattern around the bridge, reptilian heads down as they smelled and watched the displays set in the slimy floor.