Two detectors at exactly the same scattering angle to the left and right of the foil count the number of scattered electrons.
The kinematical factor must remain real, and this limits the permitted scattering angle in the laboratory frame of reference.
The Ewald sphere construction will determine the diffracted beams to be seen and the scattering angles at which they will appear.
The probability for different scattering angles are described by the Klein-Nishina formula.
Negligible polarization effects due to relative small scattering angles.
As shown at right, represents a finite region for an incoming particle, while represents the solid scattering angle after the scattering event.
Works directly in reciprocal space - The fixed scattering angle also allows for measurement of the diffraction vector directly.
The coming into play of these counters is indicative of the wider scattering angles which go with a narrower slit, according to the Heisenberg relations.
The simplest approach distinguishes between regimes of small and large scattering angles:
Time of flight instruments normally have a small range of banks at different scattering angles which collect data at varying resolutions.