It is an active and thriving business, well-suited to play a part in the scenario outlined by David Simpson.
The tax code you'll need to use when deducting tax from pension payments will differ depending on the pension recipient's circumstances - for details, see the various scenarios outlined below.
In a typical scenario outlined by Mr. Ippolito and others, the bank source provides information on a detective's client.
Maintaining forces capable of fighting and winning one or more of the seven scenarios outlined in the documents would require a robust level of military spending into the next century.
This is the last (and statistically most likely) of the scenarios outlined by the contract specifications.
Consider this scenario, outlined by Hal Gershanoff, editor of the Journal of Electronic Defense.
Care to explain why the former scenario, outlined in the article, is apparently acceptable and not the latter?
The typical scenario outlined is that the tenant "signs the lease, then hires an architect."
In several other scenarios outlined by the prosecutor, Mr. Ali also said he would probably testify.
That scenario, outlined in The Star-Ledger, had him becoming a partner in the firm of a longtime ally, State Senator Ray Lesniak.