The period of the killings coincides with the conception of Adolf Hitler and the final scene alludes to the outbreak of the Second World War.
The game's ending scene alludes to a potential sequel, which development was officially announced by Beckett in September 2008.
It is assumed that the scene alludes to the fact that the islands were a stopover base for the sailing ships when the badge was approved by the Admiralty.
Aside from the visual humor, the scene alludes to Hitler's invasion of Poland in 1939 through the juxtaposition of the imagery and the bottled water brand name.
The scene alludes to the song's main topic, success alienating artists from their fans and reality in general.
These scenes allude to the film The Matrix.
The scene where Morgan gives his toys to Ellie for Clara's room alludes to Toy Story 3.
Metaphorically, the scene alluded to the assertion that "everyone is entitled to love, no matter what their sexual orientation".
When Michael reveals his relationship with Helene to Pam, the scene alludes to a similar scene in the 1967 film "The Graduate".
The scene, in this farm and garden center's haunted barn, alludes to Hitchcock's "Psycho."