Two scenes contrasted worried people with apparently contented animals.
This scene contrasts the more fantasy-related deaths common in the series with Joyce's realistic death.
This scene contrasts sharply with the increasingly frenetic and insecure world of business.
A bucolic scene in a wealthy town, contrasted with an abandoned West Side pier.
The scene contrasted markedly with the shuttered windows, empty bins and big noisy demonstrations of the past.
The scene he had just left contrasted disagreeably with the fun and jollity that surrounded him.
Her mad scene contrasted shrinking inward with moments in which her body looked ready to shatter.
This scene sharply contrasts with the world he plunges into when he arrives in Iran.
This scene contrasted starkly with conditions two years earlier, as described by several workers.
Parkgoers said yesterday that they were stunned by the crime, and the tranquil scene contrasted sharply with the violence a day before.