The cab spurted away as the police car roared up to the scene of The Shadow's recent triumph.
The stadium was the scene of his greatest triumph - the World Cup final of 1966.
Now he was returning to the scene of the Unseen Killer's triumph.
As they passed through the empty aisles, scene of his brief triumph, he could not help gazing a little sadly.
Haj has taken himself back to the gazebo, the scene of his supposed triumph.
The plane banked and turned in a tight spiral so that Renner could see down to the scene of his triumph.
Coming back to this familiar place, scene of his greatest triumph, had put the Trill at remarkable ease.
How could I leave the scene of my greatest triumph?
He stared down at the empty square and saw that the sand-pit had been removed, the scene of his triumph once more merely cobbled stone.
"For Thorne's own blood to be absent from the scene of his greatest triumph would be a crime, don't you agree?"