The scenic effects, especially in the wreck scene, demand a large stage for their best representation, but were quite effective.
Q. Not even about casting or some scenic effect?
The solo was merely a collection of scenic and gestural effects.
The special scenic effects in the Met's "Ring" aren't always state of the art, either, but they're reliable.
The show, while sometimes tiresome in the repetitious play of its scenic effects, has much else to commend it.
The play's press agents refer to "innovative scenic effects" used here.
As scenic effects go, it was not lofty.
The opportunities for scenic effects are magnificent throughout, and must have contributed greatly to the success on the stage.
There is one extremely theatrical moment, a scenic effect, that appears near the end as a kind of vision of peace.
"But with this show, we've poured money into scenic and magic effects," he said.