All the pieces were danced, as they have been other times, without scenic elements.
The "art department" is a group of people who work with the production designer to implement the scenic elements of that vision.
The hundreds of props and scenic elements turned out during six months' work were gradually put into play in after-hours rehearsals.
The scenic element, abandoned after two weeks, was replaced by a flat profile garden arch.
There were several scenic elements commonly used in Greek theatre:
There may also be scenic elements added, such as small waterfalls on the edge of the river.
In addition, he designed sets and other scenic elements for the theatre from 1920 to 1922.
The carefully set scenic elements seemed part of nature.
His designs sought to integrate the scenic elements into the storytelling instead of having them stand separate and indifferent from the play's action.
Here, the dancers' movements influence the sonic and scenic elements of the dance.