The program was created to help develop a regional strategy for preserving scenic, natural, historic, cultural and recreational resources while encouraging compatible economic development.
He took full advantage of his country's greatest scenic resource: sky.
Putting a theme park there degrades a scenic and historic resource for a project that can be built elsewhere.
Oatka Creek's primary direct contribution to the local economy today is as a scenic and recreational resource.
The plant would also have a negative effect on an area that has been revitalized by its scenic, cultural and historic resources.
First, the landscape must be a nationally unique natural, cultural, historic, or scenic resource.
National Heritage Areas are a unique blend of natural, cultural, historic, and scenic resources.
The area was designated to recognize and promote the scenic and cultural resources associated with this central portion of the Great Basin.
Although more parkland is added to the public domain each year, such actions do not insure the protection of our scenic, natural, cultural and historic resources.
Some may have considered this a comment on the divine ordination of America's scenic resources.