The heavy scent of hay and manure permeated the air.
The scent of new-mown hay they gave off permeated the house.
The scent of unease permeated the room, smelling like rubbing alcohol.
The strong scent of incense permeated the still air.
The scents of the wet forest permeated the air, eddying and flowing around them.
Irish Spring soaps, whose scent permeates a bathroom, is an example of an experienced bar.
If you strip off the foliage, the scent of marigolds won't permeate the house.
Briar-roses clung to the rock face and their delicious scent permeated the air.
A rich, heady scent of wood smoke and black powder permeated the frosty night air.
He was about to ask what the hell would warrant the disruption when the butler's scent permeated his irritation.