For one thing, they could end what he called designer chemical warfare: the onslaught of perfumes and other scented products that cause allergic reactions in many people.
Take control by avoiding such scented products.
They wore perfume and other scented products until they gradually became ill.
Avoid using items that may be irritants such as bubble baths, feminine hygiene sprays, sanitary napkins or tampons (especially scented products), and spermicidal jellies.
Wear light-colored, loose clothes and avoid scented products when outdoors, especially from dusk to dawn, which is the peak feeding time for mosquitoes.
Patchouli is used widely in modern perfumery and modern scented industrial products such as paper towels, laundry detergents, and air fresheners.
The cooperative buys their goods and from them produces soaps and other scented products for export.
Bathing too often and using scented products can be drying to the skin.
Commonly accused substances include smoke, pesticides, plastics, synthetic fabrics, scented products, petroleum products, and paint fumes.