Some days have no scheduled activities and have been left open to allow time to repair any problems that arise, officials said.
It was just past 4:00 a.m., nearly time for this night's scheduled activity to begin.
Other than meals and the daily Mass, which is optional, there are no scheduled activities.
With few scheduled activities on tap, we were left to find our own fun.
Fortunately, Sheria does not always need scheduled activity; her inner life is often enough to keep her occupied for hours.
Not a minute of our time was without a scheduled activity.
"We have what we like to call a regular random scheduled activity," Chief Ball said.
Due to lack of any scheduled activity on the line in the early 1950s it was closed in 2 December 1952.
In recent years, one might skip from parade to football to dinner without pause, and then on to the next scheduled activity.
The software does its best to make sure that no appointment or other scheduled activity goes unnoticed.