The play was not a critical or commercial success and was cancelled in July, closing a month before its scheduled end.
Still, treasure hunters continued to search even as the contest neared its scheduled end on May 26.
Aristide vacated the presidency in February 1996, the scheduled end of his 5-year term based on the date of his inauguration.
Mr. Putin said he was not surprised the meeting ran well past its scheduled end.
As the mission approached its scheduled end, the situation on the ground continued to deteriorate.
The government was desperate to pass the controversial Self Defence Forces bill before Dec. 10, the scheduled end of the current Diet session.
The meeting was abandoned shortly before its scheduled end as the chair found it impossible to continue with the interruptions.
On October 11, 2011, the Kickstarter pre-funding drive successfully met its scheduled end.
The European Commission has proposed a scheduled end of subsidies in October 2014.
He said state officials had no plans to stop the six-day hunt before its scheduled end Saturday.