The scheme relies on two properties of entanglement.
The whole scheme relied on gravity and therefore demanded unerring accuracy during construction.
The scheme relies on private money - in this case a donation of a thousand pounds from BT.
The alleged scheme relied on the buyers never having to see the machines, since they supposedly were being leased by a third party.
The scheme relied on scouts like him reporting the enemy's approach in time for the others to coordinate a timed response.
Nearly every scheme that seeks to unify the forces of nature into a single equation relies in part on this concept.
As most of the land is in private ownership the schemes rely mainly on providing landowners with incentives to plant trees.
Since these schemes rely on trust and word of mouth, initiating the scam in a group allows the con artist to spread it quickly.
This whole scheme relies on a wave of recruitment which is meant to compensate for the reductions in social charges.
A successful cap-and-trade scheme relies on a strict but feasible cap that decreases emissions over time.